Forty-seven thousand Ukrainian service members and their families are waiting for housing promised by the State. This is the longest queue in the world. Corruption and inefficiency have contributed to this problem – but how can it be solved?

On Tuesday, 2nd October, a briefing will take place to present new research from the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO),  Poor governance and corruption risks in Ukraine’s housing system: Risks and Recommendations. The research includes a qualitative analysis of the housing problem in Ukraine’s defense sector, with  recommendations on how to change this outdated system.

This research was completed in response to a request from Ukraine’s Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, who stated that “there is a will for reform” and affirmed his commitment to solving the problem.

The press conference will cover the following issues:

  • What are the key corruption risks and inefficiency problems in Ukraine’s defense housing system?
  • How is the issue of defense housing solved in other countries, and what can be learned from their experiences?
  • What are the possible solutions?

The briefing will take place on October 2, 2018, at 10:00 in the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, at 2 Khreshchatyk Str., Kyiv.

The speakers are:

  • James Wasserstrom, Сo-Сhair of the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee;
  • Volodymyr Ogryzko, Сo-Сhair of the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee;
  • Representative of the Ministry of Defense;
  • Ihor Stadnytskiy, a serviceman who has been waiting for a home for several years.

MOD representatives, servicemen, journalists, Ukraine’s defense housing experts, civil society representatives and interested Ukrainians are invited to brief.

Prior registration is not required.

Contact for media: Emiliia Dieniezhna, 097-431-66-33

NOTES TO THE EDITOR: The Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO) is a joint initiative run by Transparency International Defense & Security (TI-DS) and Transparency International Ukraine (TI Ukraine).The NAKO’s goal is to reduce corruption risks in the Ukraine’s defense and security sector of Ukraine by monitoring, evaluating and analyzing anti-corruption reforms and providing relevant recommendations. More information can be found at the website: