of stakeholders
from CPOs
Information given in this section present expectations of various stakeholders from CPOs. It is important to note that these expectations arise based on the results of surveys of CPO initiators, CPOs themselves, and customers who used the CPO's services. We emphasize that these expectations reflect what the parties want to get from CPOs, not necessarily what is already there or should be.


  • "statement in quotation marks" — a respondent's quote from an approved interview
  • statement without quotation marks — a reference to an official document created by a relevant respondent

CPOs are supposed to handle procurements for customers who only conduct one or two procedures annually, yet they must remain vigilant in staying informed about and monitoring all legal amendments that occur between these procurement events.

Situation with Prozorro system
In 2021, over 56% of customers who were required by the Law to conduct procedures announced and signed contracts for competitive above-threshold procurement methods involving no more than 5 lots.

CPOs develop and maintain standard documentation for consumer goods and services ensuring:

  • consistent and sufficient quality, safety, and interchangeability of those goods and services;
  • reduce risk of appeals or violations in procurements based on monitoring results;
  • multiple use of that documentation for a large number of procurement initiators.

Situation with Prozorro system
In 2021:

  • 10,976 customers announced above-threshold procurements, which ended with awarding a contract for the CPV Class "Electric Energy";
  • 1.2% of all lots had complaints about tender documentation;
  • 33% of all lots where the monitoring body found violations accounted for violations in terms of tender documentation.

CPOs guarantee that their procurements (compared to those conducted by customers themselves) ensure:

  • a well-prepared and agreed draft contract considering all customers' needs and market environment;
  • shorter time between a new need and contract award;
  • lower prices;
  • a more reliable supplier selected on competitive terms;
  • procurement item that best meets the need for available budget.

Situation with Prozorro system

  • In 2021 only 49% of all announced above-threshold and competitive lots ended up with awards.
  • The median duration of open bidding in 2021 was 38 days.

CPOs will reduce budget expenditures on procurement services by reducing the number of employees involved in the procurement process.

CPOs accumulate and distribute experience and procurement expertise, and improve the professional level of customers by preparing methodological recommendations, providing advice, explaining the specifics of procurement procedures, and conducting training events.

CPOs are experts who are well aware of the categories in which they work, have a well-established internal process that allows them to quickly prepare for tenders of any complexity (specific equipment or work) and when any external factors change (pandemic, war, etc.).

CPOs can handle the simpler procurements of consumer goods, thereby allowing customers to allocate more time to handle more critical procurement matters.

CPOs receive funds necessary to ensure their functioning and development as remuneration for services to customers.