as part of the project “Enhancing the role of civil society in public finance oversight,” funded by the European Union.
(third party funding)
Project goal: to empower professional journalistic investigations by narrowing down and specifying the subjects of investigations.
In the times when people start trusting reliable and independent media more, and the level of their influence on social problems is growing, the media community is facing a major challenge to increase the quality of journalistic investigations. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to enable journalists to focus on specific subjects during an extended period of time.
In order to find such subjects and journalists who will investigate them, TI Ukraine is announcing a subgrant competition.
Competition priorities:
- Anti-corruption journalistic investigations dedicated to specific subjects selected by the participants (such as land issues, construction, ecology, national and communal property, etc.). The list is not exhaustive. Preference will be given to participants who will clearly identify and specify their subject matter as narrowly as possible.
- Social journalistic investigations on corruption-related problems faced by vulnerable groups (IDPs, minorities, women, disabled people, etc.), including corruption related to ensuring their rights and corruption they encounter in receiving public services.
- Advocacy of anti-corruption practices in providing services to, and ensuring the rights of, vulnerable groups, monitoring and oversight of self-government agencies.
Priority will be given to projects taking place in small cities without their own investigative journalists. Subgrant recipients will be provided with support of experienced media experts in this sector.
Investigations must be published in the media (including online media), and videos produced in the course of the competition must be subtitled in English and Ukrainian to ensure equal rights of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. The number of investigations and their format should be selected by the applicant.
Competition participants:
Ukrainian NGOs with an official non-profit status.
Up to 10 winners will be selected.
Terms of subgrant award:
- Te applicant must be an officially registered Ukrainian NGO. Proposals submitted by for-profit organizations, private individuals, political parties or religious communities are not eligible.
- If short-listed, the organization must provide relevant documents, such as its certificate of registration, excerpt from the State Register and a copy of the Charter, as well as CVs of the journalists who will be tasked with the investigations.
- The applicant must be capable of performing the task specified in the subgrant description.
Terms of application:
- A filled-out application (MS Word) and a budget (MS Excel) should be sent to [email protected] (attached).
- The application deadline is 11:59 PM, 18 July 2019. Project proposals that arrive after the deadline will be considered ineligible.
- Materials submitted for the competition are not returned or reviewed.
- Project activity should continue between 1 and 4 months and start no earlier than 1 August 2019. The project must be completed by 30 November 2019.
- One grant amount is between EUR 400 and EUR 6000. One organization may submit several proposals, but is eligible to receive only one grant.
Potential participants may ask questions via email to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than 12 July 2019 with the subject Questions about Competition and including the name and the organization name in the email.
Winners will be selected by a special evaluation committee.
Project assessment criteria:
- Correspondence to the purpose and priorities of the competition;
- Prior experience;
- Relevance of the budget;
- Inclusion of vulnerable demographics;
- Absence of the conflict of interest;
- Geographical balance;
- Attainability of the project; realistic plan; measurable results;
- Sustainability of the project results.
The project aims at empowering civil society and journalists with effective anti-corruption, asset recovery and anti-money laundering tools to perform the public finance oversight and support the launch of Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA), as well as for updating the PEP register.