Date and time of the event:
12 p.m.
On 8 July, Transparency International Ukraine will transfer the second Central Database (CDB) to State-Owned Enterprise Prozorro.Sale.
The second CDB ProZorro.Sale was developed for donor funds, and it is already being used for small-scale privatization auctions, lease and sale of property, mining licenses, e-commerce, etc. But until now, all the rights for the CDB belonged to Transparency International Ukraine as a project partner. After the transfer of the rights, SE Prozorro.Sale will become a full system owner.
How will the event go down?
In the first part, we will talk about the victories and challenges of sales of national and municipal property through electronic auctions. An official agreement cementing the transfer of the second CDB to the SE Prozorro.Sale will be signed as well.
- Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine
- Maksym Nefyodov, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade
- Eka Tkeshelashvili, Head of EUACI Ukraine
- Svitlana Mizina, GIZ consultant
- Oleksii Soboliev, CEO of SE Prozorro.Sale.
After the official part, we invite the participants to stay for a brunch to talk about the prospects of Prozorro.Sale over refreshments.
The event will take place on 8 July at 12 p.m. in HUB 4.0 creative space at 1/3 Yaroslavskyi Ln., conference hall Intelligence.
Please confirm that you will participate and register by 6 p.m. on 6 July at