The 7th Global Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit will be held in Korea on December 15-17, 2021.

Its main topics are strengthening public space and participation, fighting corruption, and promoting inclusive digital innovation.

TI Ukraine joins one of the discussion panels at the OGP Global Summit: “The role of open data and analytical tools to ensure transparent and efficient public property management.”


Why is it important?

Managing state-owned enterprises can be one of the most significant factors for some economies coming out from the COVID-19 crisis. In Ukraine, for example, about 3,500 state-owned enterprises are registered, 40% of which do not function and exist only on paper. Every third enterprise is unprofitable and can be a potential source of financial risks.

The lack of adequate control mechanisms and low transparency make state enterprise activities a source of corruption risks, causing financial loss to the state. However, the development of new technologies and open government data brings public property management to a new level.


Together, we will find answers to the following questions:

What are the best practices of efficient governance in public property management?

Why does its implementation not always work the way it should?

How can open data on public assets help make the state enterprise management process transparent and professional?

And what is the role of civil society in reaching these goals?


Panel speakers:

Khrystyna Zelinska — Head of Public Property Management in TI Ukraine,

Nilgün Gökgür — independent consultant to the World Bank and the IMF,

John Tokolish — DeloitteUA,

Viktor Nestulia — Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia at Open Contracting Partnership.


Moderator: Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of TI Ukraine


OGP Global Summits provide an opportunity for government representatives, civil society, and others to share best practices and progress in implementing government initiatives. The event will be useful both for them and for activists working in areas related to the topics of the event.

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