The HQCJ has selected the members of the Public Council of International Experts for selection of judges to the High Anti-Corruption Court.
The first PCIE includes Aurelijus Gutauskas, Flemming C. Denker, Mirjana Lazarova-Trajkovska, Ted Zarzeczny, Sir Anthony Hooper and Lorna Harris.
“Members of the PCIE have finally been selected. Out of 12 candidates, the HCQJ has chosen four judges and two prosecutors through preferential voting. Now, it is important that they start their work immediately, having gained access to full data on the candidates and, in the future, to the practical assignments completed by them,” comments TI Ukraine’s legal advisor Maksym Kostetskyi.
1. GUTAUSKAS, Aurelijus — Supreme Court judge. Experience as judge, specialization in criminal law, organised crime and judicial ethics and discipline. Head of the criminal proceedings department and Commission on Judicial Ethics and Discipline. An expert at Moneyval and the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption or GRECO.
2. DENKER, Flemming C. — Retired Deputy State Prosecutor in the Office for Serious Economic Crime. Worked as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. Specializes in corruption and economic crimes. Former expert at GRECO and the Council of Europe.
3. ZARZECZNY, Ted — judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Canada. He has experience working in prosecution and defense. Specializes in criminal and civil law, as well as prosecution of corruption, fraud and criminal conspiracy. Former public prosecutor; participated in an educational project for Ukrainian judges. He was co-chair of the Law Society
Discipline Committee responsible for enforcing lawyer compliance with the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards.
4. LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA, Mirjana – former President of the First Section of the European Court of Human Rights. She has experience as a judge and specializes in human rights, constitutional issues and corruption-related issues. Former judge of the Constitutional Court and former member of the Venice Commission. For three years she was the judge in Ukraine-related cases in the ECHR. Former President of State Election Commission.
5. HARRIS, Lorna — retired UK prosecutor. Specializes in counteraction to corruption, money laundering and fraud, including that on the international level. In the past, she was responsible for implementing civil recovery provisions of Proceeds of Crime Act and was Head of the International Co-operation Unit, Crown Office, responsible for extradition and mutual legal assistance. She has been engaged in work for EU, Council of Europe, IMF, UN, and World Bank on asset recovery and international assistance.
6. HOOPER, Sir Anthony — former judge of the Court of Appeals in England and Wales. He has experience with judicial examinations of cases of asset recovery (seizure) as part of criminal and civil proceedings, including seizure of funds obtained through corruption. He presided over numerous criminal trials and also sat in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division. He was appointed by the Ethics Commission of the IAAF (International Association of Athletic Federations) to investigate potential sports violations. He taught a course for judges on asset maintenance and seizure of funds obtained through corruption and other crimes.
Find out more in Ukrainian on the HQCJ website –