Date and time of the event:



On June 19 at 11 a.m. (Kyiv time), Transparency International Ukraine and the NGO Public Control Platform, with the support of the European Union, are presenting the project Civic Monitoring of Public Procurement during the Wartime and in the Post-War Period.

The organizations will present the main objectives and work plans, as well as cover the first achievements within the project.

In addition, the NGO Public Control Platform will present a possibility of subgrants for regional CSOs engaged in monitoring and improving public procurement, as well as reconstruction projects.

In the course of the project, TI Ukraine and Public Control Platform will work to remedy weak points in public procurement and strengthen the field. After the presentation of the project, a discussion will be held about the challenges in procurement and the opportunities for the public to deal with them.

It is important not to lose focus: which problems and weak points are the most critical, which must be tackled first. Together with experts in the field, we are going to discuss challenges at the national level and in the regions, the government strategy for public procurement reform, and EU recommendations.


  • Henrik Huitfeldt, Head of the Public Finance, Business Support and Social Policies Section at the EU Delegation to Ukraine;
  • Nadia Bihun, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine;
  • Valerii Sherhin, Head of the Department of Public Procurement and Competitive Policy of the Ministry of Economy;
  • Denys Selin, Chair of the Board of the NGO Civic Control Platform;
  • Oleksandra Betliy, Leading Research Fellow at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting;
  • Volodymyr Rysenko, member of the NGO Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center.

The event will be held online via ZOOM with simultaneous translation into Ukrainian and English. To participate, register at 

The project Civic Monitoring of Public Procurement during the Wartime and the Post-War Period is aimed at increasing the transparency and efficiency of public procurement and recovery, strengthening institutional capacity in this area to effectively deal with the challenges of the wartime and post-war periods, and developing civil society organizations in the regions.