Date and time of the event:
3 p.m.
On October 21 at 3 p.m. we will hold an expert discussion involving representatives of the Ministry for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine and Prozorro in the office of ProZorro (22 Bulvarno-Kudriavska str, 5th floor).
Moreover, the DOZORRO team will present its research “The Other Side of ProZorro: Does Ukrainian business trust public procurement?”.
The idea of the public procurement reform was quite simple:
more trust for public procurements = more entrepreneurs involved in trade with the state = more competitiveness in tenders = more efficient expenditure of the budget funds.
It has been three years since the ProZorro system became compulsory. The question is whether the business has started to trust public procurements more.
DOZORRO project analysts from TI Ukraine conducted a research called “This Side of ProZorro: Does Ukrainian business trust public procurement?” To carry out this research we polled more than 600 procurement partakers and analyzed the three-year business activity in the ProZorro system.
On October 21st we will try to answer the following questions:
- Does business nowadays trust the field of public procurement?
- What influences entrepreneurs’ complacency with the ProZorro system?
- How often do entrepreneurs face corruption in public procurement? How big is the bribe?
- How can a new version of the law “On Public Procurement” influence the situation?
Event speakers:
Vasyl Zadvornyy – Chief Executive of the state-owned enterprise “PROZORRO”
Anna Bespalova – the Head of Regulatory Support of Public Procurement Department of the Public Procurement Regulation Division of the Ministry for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine
Ivan Lakhtionov – Program Manager of the TI Ukraine’s innovative projects
Anastasiya Mazurok – Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Division of TI Ukraine
Arina Kuts – TI Ukraine’s analyst on public procurement
The event is supported by the USAID/UKaid project TAPAS Project/Transparency and Accountability in State Management and Services