What is CPI?
It is Corruption Perceptions Index, the best-known and the most commonly used indicator of corruption perceptions level in countries throughout the world.
What does CPI include?
CPI is a composite index of expert survey and evaluation of reputable international organizations. The whole CPI covers more countries and a greater area than each selected study; it also provides neutrality and different views, particularly, when it comes to countries with different political regimes. Overall, CPI includes 13 different studies; 9 have been used for Ukraine.
What does CPI measure?
CPI measures the corruption perceptions level in the public service, that is, political and administrative corruption. CPI does not take into account everyday corruption.
What does the score mean in Corruption Perceptions Index?
In CPI, each country scores from 0 points (a very high rate of Corruption Perception) up to 100 points (a very low rate of Corruption Perception).
Why are points so significant?
What matters in CPI is not the position, but the score, as it can change according to the number of countries studied. Their number can differ as the country can only be included in the Index if there are at least 3 sources of data for CPI to analyze.
Why is only corruption perception measured?
Corruption is purposefully masked. To identify it based only on the factual basis is quite difficult. Generally, it is identified as a result of scandals, law enforcement investigation, journalistic materials or indictments. That is why judicial verdicts and the number of bribes and trials of to corrupt officials aren’t enough to measure the Corruption Perception level in the country. Generally, citizens of the countries which are at the top of CPI and those who are at the bottom are equally worried about corruption problems in their country. So Corruption Perceptions Index is not a “sentence” for the country and its citizens.
The CPI results will be available on January 29, 2019, 7 a.m. EET.