Today, the HACC found ex-MP Andrii Levus not guilty of illegally receiving compensation for rental housing in the amount of UAH 543,900.
Ex-MP Andrii Levus during his entire parliamentary cadence was receiving monetary compensation for using a room in the “Kyiv” hotel… while owning an apartment. The area of the apartment owned by Levus and his wife is almost 70 square meters.
Moreover, the declaration submitted by Levus includes another apartment registered for Levus’ wife.
For the use of a hotel room, UAH 543,900 was transferred from our pockets to Levus’ pocket.
The prosecution asked to deprive Levus of his freedom for 3 years with a fine in the amount of UAH 8,a000 with compensation for the costs of forensic examination in the amount of UAH 14,000 and deprivation of the right to hold positions in the civil service.
It is worth noting that even at the stage of the pre-trial investigation, Levus fully compensated for the damage in the full amount of UAH 543,900.
A panel of judges consisting of judges Maslov, Strohyi, and Fedorak decided to find Levus not guilty of committing a crime. The court concluded that the prosecution did not have any factual data that would confirm Levus’ guilt.
The SAPO is appealing this acquittal in the HACC Appeals Chamber. According to law enforcement officers, the NABU-SAPO have collected enough evidence to confirm that MP Levus committed a criminal offense.