On August 28, the High Anti-Corruption Court spend 6 hours announcing the conviction in the case of the Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry.
The head of the forestry, Oleksandr Levkivskyi, was sentenced to 4 years in prison (with a ban on holding public office for 3 years), and his assistant, Yuriy Marysyk, was sentenced to 3 years in prison (with a ban on holding office for 2 years).
This $ 10,000-bribe case had been under consideration in various courts for almost four years. For three years, it was in the Podilsky District Court of Kyiv, and last year it ended up in the HACC.
What do we know about the case?
According to the investigation, in the winter of 2016, Levkivskyi, acting director of the state enterprise Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry, facilitated the provision of land by prior agreement with Marysyk. Levkivsky was to receive $ 10,000 for the letter of approval.
Levkivsky was accused of accepting an offer, promise or receipt of an illegal benefit and abuse of office, while Marysyk was accused of aiding and abetting corruption offenses.
It should be noted that the HACC declared some of the evidence in the case inadmissible due to the fact that it was obtained by the pre-trial investigation authorities in violation of the law, namely during the search that was procedurally registered as an inspection.
Read about other HACC decisions on our website.