On September 15, an investigative judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court ruled that the possible accomplice of an MP be held in custody with bail set at UAH 1,552,000 as an interim measure.
The case is about alleged receipt of bribes for supporting certain legislative initiatives.
According to the investigation, NABU detectives learned about the criminal scheme in the summer 2020 and started an undercover operation to unravel it.
As part of the special operation, a detective, posing as a representative of an industrial company, met one of the group participants and spoke about his conditions for investment into Ukraine. The story was to create legal grounds for processing solid household waste.
According to the NABU, representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office could see the evidence corroborating the suspicion concerning the MP on September 10, but as of September 15, no decision has been made to enter the data into the Unified State Register of Pre-Trial Investigations.