This HACC case “grew”out of an administrative violation of A. Lada and V. Melkumian on driving under influence (Article 130, part 1 of the Administrative Code. The drivers ALLEGEDLY decided to bribe a judge.
They agreed on the amount and transferred it to judge Moliboha. Thus, Head of Druzhkivka City Court received a bribe from the accused to help them avoid administrative liability.
While the case was tried in the official language, Ukrainian, which the accused Melkumian understands, his defense team filed a petition to engage an interpreter, which the court did. The second accused was provided with free legal aid.
Currently, the trial is being significantly extended in violation of reasonable terms specified by Article 28 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine.
Both accused are charged with Article 369, part 3 of the Criminal Code: an offer or a promise to provide undue benefit or providing undue benefit to a public official committed based on prior conspiracy.
Preliminary proceedings