A panel of judges consisting of Kryklyvyi, Halabala, and Nohachevskyi entered a judgement of acquittal in the case of Judge Denysiuk.
The judge was suspected of making a manifestly unjust decision in an economic case. Denysiuk ordered that the PJSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya transfer natural gas to the LLC Karpatnadrainvest, which had been previously arrested by the decisions of the investigating judge in the criminal proceedings of the NABU (the so-called “Gas case”).
The suspect made this decision basing on the consideration of a counterclaim from a private company which took place without the plaintiff paying a court fee. As a result, the state budget received UAH 200,000 less.
According to the investigation, in the same economic case, the judge granted the motion of a private company representative. She reduced the amount of penalties that were subject to collection from the LLC under the main claim and postponed for one year the collection of more than UAH 3 mln of debt in favor of the PJSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya in the absence of documentary confirmation of the existence of grounds for granting such a motion.
Detectives associate the company Karpatnadrainvest with MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko.
The case against Judge Denysiuk has been investigated by the NABU since January 2017. In March 2018, the judge was served of charges on abuse of power and making a manifestly unjust decision (Article 364, part 2, and Article 375, part 1 of the Criminal Code).
Based on the results of proceedings consideration, the court noted that the prosecutor could not prove all the circumstances of the case. All charges are based on assumptions, and the evidence provided does not confirm that Denysiuk committed a criminal offense.
The court also overturned the seizure of Denysiuk’s property.