The judicial panel of the High Anti-Corruption Court has approved the plea bargain between a SAPO prosecutor and Valentyn Shevchenko.
Shevchenko was accused of inciting a bribe to the director of the State Investigation Bureau for closing a criminal proceeding and of fraud.
Court decision: imprisonment for 5 years. Yet, Shevchenko was relieved of the punishment with a trial period of 3 years and certain obligations.
In December 2019, the NABU and the SAPO caught Valentyn Shevchenko and another individual trying to sell the closure of a proceeding in the SIB for USD 150,000. There was no intention to transfer the money to the Head of the SIB in the first place; the original plan was to keep the funds.
Shevchenko confessed, expressed his regret and actively cooperated with the investigation.