This issue has been highly controversial for years, one of the controversies being whether there is a crime there at all.
We remind you that on August 28, a Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office prosecutor closed this case based on the results of a comprehensive expertise of damage carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine. The experts were unable to define the damage inflicted on the state by the use of the Rotterdam+ formula, since the prices fluctuated due to the differences in the rates. The expert opinion was sent to the SAPO on August 18.
Thus, the case was closed based on the absence of the actual criminal violation in the case and the fact that the pre-trial investigation agencies were unable to establish sufficient evidence to prove the guilt in court, while they have exhausted all the options of obtaining them (Article 284, part 2, clauses 2-3 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine).
Rotterdam + is the methodology for calculation of coal prices for heat and power plants introduced in May 2016 in the situation of loss of control over part of Donetsk coal field.