On September 16, the investigating judge Lesia Fedorak granted the motion of the prosecution and imposed an interim measure on Valentyn Reznichenko, ex-head of the Dnipropetrovsk RMA, in the form of bail in the amount of UAH 30 million.
Reznichenko was also assigned the following duties: to appear before the court or the prosecutor at the first request, to report a change of residence, not to leave the Dnipropetrovsk region, to surrender passports for foreign travel, to refrain from communicating with other defendants and witnesses.
According to the prosecution, Reznichenko, together with his deputy Maksym Bespalchuk; Oleksandr Kolomoyets, the head of one of the RMA departments; and other persons caused more than UAH 286 million in damages to the state during the repair of roads in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
First, there was an inspection of roads of local importance in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Then statements were signed arguing for the need to increase spending on the maintenance of such roads. Based on this, Reznichenko issued relevant orders, and companies starting receiving letters with offers to provide a price for repair works.
The prosecution believes that these companies were related to each other, as they submitted financial statements to the tax authorities from the same IP address.
The most favorable price was offered by the company Budinvest Engineering, which got awarded the contract. Major repairs were carried out under the guise of road maintenance works and in violation of the requirements of the legislation.
Part of the money paid to the company was transferred to the accounts of Zaporizke Karjeroupravlinja PJSC (Zaporizhzhia Quarry Management)— this company may belong to the son of Reznichenko’s driver. The money was also received by the House of our Dream LLC, whose ultimate beneficiary is Bespalchuk, Reznichenko’s deputy. One of the founders of the firm Budinvest Engineering was Reznichenko’s ex-wife Yana Khlanta, with whom, according to the prosecution, Reznichenko lives.
The driver Bardachenko has traveled abroad 24 times since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in cars belonging to Reznichenko, and with the following passengers: Ksenia Tymoshenko (Kyrylo Tymoshenko’s mother) and Yana Khlanta.
The prosecutor believes that Reznichenko can obstruct criminal proceedings, namely:
- hide from the court because he has enough real estate and valuables
- destroy or hide things and documents—to influence witnesses.
- The prosecution also found connections between Reznichenko and Yurii Holyk (a defendant in the case of “NABU leaks”).
Reznichenko’s defense attorneys (including Volodymyr Kryvenko, ex-deputy of SAPO head Klymenko) said that the roads were built so that the Armed Forces could move freely along them and defend our country.
If found guilty, Reznichenko faces up to 6 years in prison.
Reznichenko's defense attorneys said that the roads were built so that the Armed Forces could move freely along them and defend our country.