Yuliya Sysoyeva
Analyst, Transparent Cities Program, TI Ukraine
[email protected]
Yuliya Sysoyeva is an expert in the field of data analytics, media analytics, and cultural analytics. She graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics with a master’s degree in applied mathematics. She holds a Ph.D. in physical and mathematical sciences with a specialization in Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods.
For an extended period, Yuliya worked as an associate professor at the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies at Kharkiv National Economic University. She taught courses such as Informatics and Computer Technology, Data Visualization, Media Theories, Electronic Media, and Digital Media Culture. Yuliya developed course programs, educational materials, and published articles in scientific journals.
From 2018 to 2022, she served as the Deputy Head of the Analytical Department and an analyst at the Content Analysis Center. In the years 2019-2021, Yuliya worked as a data analyst at the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, promoting “data culture” within the organization.
In 2023, she successfully completed the Diploma in Data Analytics Co-op program at the Toronto School of Management in Canada.