Transparency International Ukraine has collected the best international practices of analytical tools development to monitor public procurement within the public sector. Now, there is one place where you can learn about this experience of Ukraine and the Visegrád Four.
Analytical tools are important for comprehensive improvement of public procurement. They help identify isolated cases of violations, as well as systemic threats or ineffective practices. To objectively assess the real state of the sphere, its problems and weaknesses, and offer effective solutions, you need to work through large amounts of data.
Different countries have different approaches to analyzing the effectiveness of public procurement. Hungary, for example, introduced risk indicators, the Czech Republic made a bet on procuring entity rating, and Ukraine developed an analytics module.
“Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages, and therefore we decided to collect information about them all in one place. Specialists from other countries will be able to use these practices to choose the most preferable solution for themselves, based on the best practices that already exist,” explains Ivan Lakhtionov, deputy executive director for the implementation of innovative projects of TI Ukraine.
You can also view a recording of workshops by Jiří Skuhrovec on Czech procuring entity rating and Sandor Lederer on Hungarian risk indicators. Analysts told the history of creating tools, their features, problems, and main results.
The practical training is developed by the International Visegrád Fund within the framework of the project “Tackling corruption in public procurement in Ukraine and V4 countries with new approaches.”