On January 24, 2022, the Commission for Conducting an Independent Assessment of the Effectiveness of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) began its work to establish the quality and effectiveness of the Agency’s activities for 2020-2021.
The Commission consists of three international experts, appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers on November 10, 2021, based on proposals of international anti-corruption technical assistance projects. It consists of:
- Joseph Gangloff (USA) — expert on financial disclosure by government officials, whistleblower protection, political party financing, and other relevant areas of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO).
- Diana Kurpniece (Latvia) — senior consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Latvia, an expert consultant to GRECO and OECD on corruption prevention, transparency and accountability, financing of political parties and lobbying; former executive director of Transparency International Latvia.
- Laura Stefan (Romania) — international expert on anti-corruption reform for the European Commission, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN Development Program, the OECD, and other international donors; former director of the Romanian Ministry of Justice; GRECO expert and appraiser in the regular evaluation rounds.
In the course of the first visit to Ukraine from January 24 to 28, 2022, members of the commission will meet with the leadership and employees of the NACP, the NABU, representatives of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers, the Public Council under the NACP, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders.
2022 will be the first year of the independent assessment of the NACP. An external audit is a comprehensive assessment of the work of the body and one of the safeguards for possible inefficiency and abuse on the part of the NACP management. The other two means of control are a special audit of all financial transactions by the Accounting Chamber and control of the Agency’s activities by the Public Council.
The Commission’s assessment of the effectiveness of the NACP will be completed in June, and a report will be published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.
An external audit is a comprehensive assessment of the work of the body and one of the safeguards for possible inefficiency and abuse on the part of the NACP management.