TI Ukraine is against the International Committee of Red Cross’s support for russian policy in Ukraine. 

The head of the ICRC, Peter Maurer, has requested permission with russia to open an office in rostov-on-don, supposedly to establish humanitarian work in the Ukrainian territories occupied by the russian federation. The Minister of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchukstated that Ukraine is strongly opposed to this initiative. 

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the occupiers forcibly deported about 6,000 Mariupol residents to russia to use them as hostages for political pressure on Ukraine. At least 15,000 citizens were threatened with deportation.

Invaders take passports and other identity cards from people. First, people are taken to “filtration” camps, from where they are then taken to remote regions of russia. It is forbidden to leave these russian cities in the next two years.

“Opening a Red Cross office in rostov, as if to help these people, actually legitimizes the forced relocation of Ukrainians from the occupied territories to the occupying power. This is a violation of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and, accordingly, is another war crime of russia. The Red Cross should protect and help the victims, not become an accomplice to this crime,” said Andrii Borovyk, director of TI Ukraine. 

We are grateful to all those Red Cross workers who are truly honest and helpful in helping people in need. At the same time, the current policy of the organization is completely unacceptable.

If you want to help Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression, we recommend using the official account of the National Bank of Ukraine for humanitarian assistance.

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(176) "Opening a Red Cross office in rostov, as if to help these people, actually legitimizes the forced relocation of Ukrainians from the occupied territories to the occupying power." ["quote_author"]=> string(0) "" }

Opening a Red Cross office in rostov, as if to help these people, actually legitimizes the forced relocation of Ukrainians from the occupied territories to the occupying power.