Date and time of the event:
08:45 - 14:30 BST
Transparency International Ukraine is delighted to invite you to participate in a Ukraine Recovery Conference side event “Building a transparent and accountable Ukraine: key steps to recovery”, taking place on Friday, 23 June 2023, 08:45 – 14:30 (London time) in the EBRD HQ, (5 Bank Street London E14 4BG) and online.
The event is co-hosted by the Transparency International Ukraine, Transparency International UK, the RISE Ukraine Coalition, USAID project Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions (SACCI) in Ukraine, German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group, Open Contracting Partnership (OCP), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and supported by the BHP Foundation.
The side event will expand upon key issues of transparency, integrity and accountability of reconstruction, providing a platform for further discussion, exchange of views, and in-depth consideration. It will bring together civil society representatives, officials from governments and donor agencies to publicly explain all the work underway to ensure the recovery and reconstruction process is transparent, accountable, digital, and efficient, including efforts that draw upon Ukraine’s world-class capabilities for transparency and integrity governance developed over the past decade.
Express your interest in joining us for this half-day conference as we explore how Ukraine can prepare for a process of recovery and reconstruction that promotes digitalisation, strong transparency and integrity.
The detailed agenda will be available in the coming days. The discussion will be held in English and Ukrainian, simultaneous interpretation will be provided. The conference will also be available to join virtually, please register below to watch the live-stream of the conference.
In case you will not be able to join the event, please share this invitation with your colleagues.
Registration here: https://bit.ly/3NaPCV9.