Date and time of the event:
On January 28, Transparency International Ukraine presents current data from one of the world’s largest studies — the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020.
Last year, Ukraine lost two points and, with 30 points out of 100 possible, have gone back to the level of 2017, ranking 126th out of 180 countries.
What has changed in our country recently? Which areas of public administration require special attention in the fight against corruption? How do our indicators differ quantitatively and qualitatively from our neighbors this year? And where is our country going in combating corruption?
We will be discussing the answers to these and other questions during a special online event, “Corruption Perceptions Index 2020: What affected this year’s score?”
The event will consist of two parts.
After the announcement of the Index results, we will consider the reasons for the current indicators of Ukraine in the Index and identify pitfalls that may affect the scores of our country in the future. The discussion will be joined by:
- Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine;
- Maksym Hryshchuk, the acting head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office;
- Volodymyr Pavlenko, Deputy Head of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency;
- Oleksandr Novikov, Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (tbc);
- Danyila Chornenka, Head of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court.
Then, during the second panel moderated by the editor-in-chief of Ukrayinska Pravda Sevgil Musayeva, we will discuss what exactly the Ukrainian government should do to overcome the most pressing problems related to corruption. Participants of the discussion:
- Pavlo Kukhta, economist, former First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine;
- Andriy Vyshnevsky, Chairman of the Board of Transparency International Ukraine;
- Mykola Havroniuk, member of the board of the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform.
Information partner of the event – “Ukrayinska Pravda.”
To participate in the event, please register at: http://bit.ly/CPI2020_registration
Media contacts: Olesia Koval, [email protected], 093-808-82-78.
For reference
The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index compiled by the global organization Transparency International since 1995. The organization itself does not conduct any surveys. The index is calculated based on 13 studies of reputable international organizations and think tanks.