Date and time of the event:
10:00 - 11:50 GMT+3
Transparency International Ukraine, supported by the USAID/SACCI project, has commissioned the InfoSapiens research agency to carry out a sociological survey among the population and particularly representatives of Ukrainian businesses about the needs and expectations regarding the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
The survey is representative and includes 2 audiences:
- adult population of Ukraine, including IDPs, — 1,012 respondents;
- representatives of Ukrainian businesses (sole proprietors, micro, small, medium and large businesses) — 405 interviews.
On June 14, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center will host a presentation of the survey results. These data will also be the topic of discussion with partners and opinion leaders — to find solutions and prevent disappointments of the population and business, as well as identify risks that will indicate possible inefficiency of future reconstruction processes.
- What is the state doing to ensure the transparency of reconstruction?
- What practical steps can reduce the level of mistrust among businesses in reconstruction processes and in the authorities?
- How can citizens actually be involved in decision-making, control, etc.?
- How effective is the preparation for reconstruction and informing society and business about these processes?
- How can we increase the capacity and level of trust in local authorities, given the high responsibility entrusted to them?
- What is important for international partners in terms of financing reconstruction processes?
These questions are the ones that will be discussed at the event, and the attendees will have the opportunity to ask their own.
The following experts will participate in the discussion:
- Anastasiia Mazurok, deputy executive director of Transparency International Ukraine for operational activities;
- Bohdan Boiko, project manager of the USAID recovery project Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions (SACCI);
- Yuriy Kryvosheya, co-owner of Toronto-Kyiv, chairman of the supervisory board of Promprilad.Renovation;
- Aider Khalilov, senior program manager of the Program for the Promotion of Public Activity “Engage!” (USAID/ENGAGE);
- Dmytro Turchak, Director of the Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development;
- Ivan Lakhtionov, moderator, deputy executive director of Transparency International Ukraine for innovative projects.
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 10:00 – 11:50 a.m.
Venue: Ukrainian Crisis Media Center.
Address: Kyiv, 2 Khreshchatyk Street, Ukrainian House.
Languages: Ukrainian, English.
Anyone interested in taking part in the event can register at: https://bit.ly/461tm7A
Contact information:
Daria Stepanova, Head of Communications at Transparency International Ukraine:
+38 063 726 2658
For reference: Transparency International Ukraine is an accredited chapter of the global movement Transparency International, helping Ukraine grow stronger since 2012. The organization takes a comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of changes for reduction of corruption levels in certain areas.
TI Ukraine helped create and subsequently transferred Prozorro, Prozorro.Sale, eHealth, and Prozvit systems to the state. The team also implemented City Transparency and Accountability Rankings, developed the DOZORRO community to control public procurement, and co-founded the RISE UA Coalition, which protects integrity and efficiency in the rebuilding process.
*This research was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the SACCI project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Transparency International Ukraine and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
For reference: The Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions Program in Ukraine is a seven-year initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which aims to assist Ukraine to combat corruption and increase accountability and transparency of governance in Ukraine. The program seeks to empower key government institutions to fight corruption, build public support for and engagement in anti-corruption efforts, reduce citizen tolerance to corruption, as well as ensure maximum transparency and accountability of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction and recovery.