TI Ukraine’s Head of Legal Kateryna Ryzhenko, who was also the co-chair of the Selection Board for the Head of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention, commented on the selection process and how the previous positions of the newly selected Oleksandr Novikov informed the decision.
She talked about it on Hromadske.
“The eight people whom we interviewed made a really pleasant impression on us. It was hard to make the final choice,” said Kateryna. “We had a lot of discussions about who was best suited to handle the functions of the new Head of the NACP.”
She also said, “First of all, as a selection board, we assessed the facts that we had. Apart from the facts that the candidates shared to be viewed in the best light, we worked hard to establish their integrity.”
According to Ryzhenko, the candidates were additionally verified and information from the NABU was analyzed.
“Civil society organizations analyzed the candidates, too, and we did it by ourselves with the help of analysts and access to registers,” she added.
She also said that all candidates received questions concerning their electronic declarations and sent their written responses to the Selection Board.
“Unfortunately, we cannot publish them, because some of the information in there is confidential. If the members of the commission had some doubts, they asked all those questions at the interview,” explained Kateryna.
Recall that on December 16, the Selection Board announced the newly selected Head of the NACP: prosecutor Oleksandr Novikov.
Now, he is a prosecutor with the Law Observance and Law Enforcement Coordination Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office. One of the major cases he’s handling is about the possible forgery of final school testing results. In 2015, he was one of the candidates for the position of a Deputy Head of the SAPO.