Transparency International Ukraine and Anti-Corruption Action Center have set up a professional business intelligence module for quick search of unfair tenders in ProZorro won by companies from the “black list” of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine.

The law prescribes that companies are prohibited from participation in public procurement for three years if they have been brought to responsibility for bidding conspiracy. This kind of decisions is made by the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine and its departments. They form the so-called “black list.”

Victories of companies from the “black list” are one of the most common violations in public procurement.

For instance, in 2017, 1 in 7 companies from AMCU’s “black list” won public contracts when tenders were held. The total amounts received by companies engaging in unfair practices at both tenders and pre-threshold procurement in 2017 add up to hundreds of millions UAH.


According to Open Data Bot, in 2016 such companies won UAH 460 mln worth of tenders. Most these agreements were concluded at the end of the year, between October and December.

Here is an instruction how to set up a professional module:

  1. Create a new sheet where you will place all the necessary tools.
  2. Create the object List box.
  3. In the settings, find “is on AMCU’s black list.”
  4. Create a few more List boxes, which will facilitate your search: let’s add year, CPV type, “pre-threshold-ness”, price offer status (to search among winners) and “lot status” (to find still active tenders where the winner has been defined but the agreement has not been signed yet).
  5. Don’t forget about “current selection box” to simplify work with your selection.
  6. Copy the spreadsheet from the tab “tenders” and paste it to the tab with the “black list.” The spreadsheet contains the description, identifier, the procuring entity and expected value of the tender.
  7. Place all windows in a convenient way and select what you need, for instance, this year’s procurement for the amount of over UAH 200,000 where the winning company is from the “black list” but the agreement has not been concluded yet.

Video instruction: