19 June 2017, Kyiv
On Approval of the review commission on violation appeals to control the eHealth services and decision-making regarding disconnection the medical information system from the electronic health system in case of violation of the section 6.9 of the “Regulation on the functioning of the electronic health system in the framework of the implementation of the pilot project on the provision of automation of accounting for the provision of medical services”, approved by Transparency International Ukraine from 09.06.2017, #17.
1. To approve the Regulations on the review comission on violation appeals to control of the eHealth services and decision-making regarding disconnection the medical information system from the electronic health system, in case of regulations violations (hereinafter – the “Regulations”). The document is attached.
2. This order comes into force the day on which this Order is published on the official website of NGO Transparency International Ukraine www.ti-ukraine.org.
Executive Director
Transparency International Ukraine
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn