During the defense of Ukraine from russian aggression, the issue of data protection, which is critical for our country, becomes especially important.
Thus, on March 15, the Verkhovna Rada supported draft law No. 7152, which allows for the creation of backup copies of national information resources, including public registers, during the war, and to locate them outside Ukraine. For example, among them may be:
– Unified State Register of Declarations;
– State Land Cadastre;
– State Register of Real Rights;
– Register of Buildings and Structures;
– Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;
– Unified State Demographic Register, etc.
Data will be stored on separate physical carriers in diplomatic missions of Ukraine or on cloud resources abroad for the period of martial law in Ukraine and for another 6 months after its termination or cancellation.
At the same time, it is forbidden to place such copies in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the aggressor state, the states to which sanctions have been applied or which are members of military and customs alliances with them (Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, and others).
It should be noted that on March 12, the Cabinet of Ministers, in Resolution No. 263, already allowed state and local authorities to place their information and communication systems in cloud storage outside Ukraine.