Drohobych city council, which is currently at the top of the Transparency Ranking of 100 Ukrainian Cities, has launched a system of registration for municipal educational institutions based on the Blockchain technology.
Among other recommendations, Transparency International Ukraine advised to create an online registration system for schools and kindergartens which would enable application tracking. The city council went even further, and about a month ago, they launched the option to register for a school or a kindergarten with the use of the Blockchain technology.
What Is Blockchain?
It is a technology that makes any falsification impossible: it is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each following block contains data on the previous one.
How Does It Work in Drohobych?
All the information on registration applications is stored in the registry that cannot be tampered with.
The city recruited Bloqly to help it – this company was the first one in Ukraine and in the world to start using the Blockchain technology for school and kindergarten registration system.
Using Blockchain for educational solutions is among the best practices for cities that want to implement recommendations on increasing city transparency in the sector of education (indicators A16121, A16123, A16124).
The unique point of this waiting lis is that all the actions in the system are recorded on Bloqly blockchain from the very beginning, which means that information cannot be falsified, replaced or deleted.
What advantages does the Blockchain technology offer to city councils?
DATA CANNOT BE LOST OR DAMAGED. Since information is stored on multiple independent computers, information cannot be destroyed or damaged once it has been entered into the system.
DATA TRANSPARENCY AND OPENNESS. Anyone can verify information at any moment, which, among other things, provides options for analysis and data exchange to improve their quality.
DECENTRALIZATION. Decisions in Blockchain are made jointly and transparently. One person cannot make the decision.
The use of this technology makes the waiting list fully transparent and significantly reduces the space for corruption.