The National Agency for Corruption Prevention has launched the Unified State Register of Political Party Reporting POLITDATA. Since July 16, the Register works in test mode. Its development was stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Political Parties.”
The register will provide publicly accessible data on the funding of political parties functioning in Ukraine. Such a portal is meant to simplify political party reporting and access to this information for citizens. On the other hand, the NACP analysts will have an easier time identifying violations and working with data and spend less time analyzing paperwork.
Before, such political party reports were filed on paper and on an electronic information carrier, such as a USB stick. Citizens could access scanned documents, where finding information was challenging.
After initial feedback from political parties, the NACP will announce the date of full-scale launch of the register. Reports for quarters I and II will be accepted on paper.
We remind you that transparent political party funding and effective prevention of political corruption are among TI Ukraine’s recommendations to improve Ukraine’s score in Corruption Perceptions Index. For instance, in 2020, TI Ukraine proposed optimizing procedures connected with parties’ financial reporting, improve the efficiency of public oversight and reinforce liability for failure to comply with the law on party funding.
For reference:
Transparency International Ukraine is an accredited chapter of the global movement Transparency International with a comprehensive approach to development and implementation of changes for reduction of the corruption levels.
TI Ukraine has administered and transferred to the government such electronic systems as ProZorro, ProZorro.Sale, eHealth, and E-Data. Our other ongoing projects include the City Transparency Ranking and building of the DOZORRO community for control over public procurement.
For media inquiries: Olesia Koval, [email protected], 093-808-82-78.