For many of us, this year has been a challenge. A real one. Not the kind that coaches write about in motivational books and tell from screens. We were not the only people upset by the turns that 2020 often took.
But we also have good things to remember! Let’s remember the main achievements of TI Ukraine in 2020.
- We launched the vector of public property management monitoring. We actively promoted the organization of processes in the State Property Fund and supported transparent sales and lease of national property. One of the most significant events was the sale of the Dnipro Hotel and the beginning of the demonopolization of the alcohol industry.
- We created the BI tool “Prozorro Procurement to Combat COVID-19,” which enables finding the necessary information on the coronavirus procurement in just a few clicks. Also, our analysts have regularly monitored COVID procurement since the beginning of the pandemic and formalized it in separate materials.
- We launched a local government transparency and accountability platform by Transparent Cities. Now, community residents and CSO representatives will be able to assess local government transparency and accountability in 14 key sectors of their activity, leave feedback on accountability, and the government will be able to respond to these comments publicly. Feedback will be taken into account in the formation of the Accountability Ranking of 50 Ukrainian Cities. If you haven’t tested it, now is the perfect time https://transparentcities.in.ua.
- We created a cool project together with the New Ukrainian School: What Your School Buys. The online map of procurement now shows the number of tenders conducted by a school or a kindergarten, their type and amount: https://nus.org.ua/what-your-school-buys
- Within the HACC monitoring project, we have analyzed the procedural and formal aspects of the court’s work and identified certain patterns. For six months, our lawyers monitored the progress of 68 proceedings in the HACC. In addition, we helped the Court work with communications, analyzed them and provided recommendations for improvement.
- We rapidly analyzed new draft laws entering the Parliament, issuing almost 20 legal analyses. We have also issued 8 anti-corruption instructions on how to avoid Corruptors — for example, how to obtain a driver’s license without a bribe, to monitor the procurement in your university, and so on.
- We actively and rapidly analyzed the decisions of the Constitutional Court, draft laws, and opinions of the Venice Commission during the constitutional justice crisis — we have published 11 high-profile materials dedicated to this subject in the past two months.
- We have started an international project with Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic focused on sharing experience in procurement systems and their civic monitoring. The main purpose of such cooperation is for countries to “spy” on each other’s interesting initiatives and implement them. Europeans are interested in Ukraine’s experience with engagement of civizens in public procurement monitoring.
- We carried out a comprehensive analysis of anti-corruption agencies’ capacity: the activity of the NABU, the NACP, the ARMA, the SAPO and the HACC. Assessments, conclusions and recommendations for each agency were presented in our large study: https://bit.ly/doslidzhennya_NSD.
- We actively participated in the creation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024. To date, it has already been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Verkhovna Rada has approved it in the first reading. The Anti-Corruption Strategy is a guide for productive work in anti-corruption, and we have not had this document for the past three years.
- We helped with selection of SAPO prosecutors. TI Ukraine’s Executive Director Andrii Borovyk was on the Selection Commission.
- DOZORRO checked 8266 tenders for violations, sent 6835 letters to procuring entities and government agencies, conducted 15 trainings on analytical tools, released 5 major studies.
As you can see, there is something to celebrate.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in these important events and made them happen. As with any project, we clearly understand that the main thing is the team that makes change happen together with you and moves the country to a better future. We are lucky to have a team just like that.
We hope that in 2021 there will be no pandemics, volcanoes or Corruptors stopping us from carrying on with our plans!