7.7 points out of 20.
This is the score Dnipro received for investment sector transparency, according to the Investment Sector Transparency research based on the methodology of the Ukrainian chapter of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International.
On 17 September a presentation of the Investment Sector Transparency Ranking was held in Dnipro. Journalists, activists and representatives of the city council were invited to participate in the event.
At the event, results of the research were presented, which was held in the hundred biggest Ukrainian cities and where Dnipro ranked 27th.
Characterizing the status of investment transparency in Dnipro, Transparent Cities program coordinator of Transparency International Ukraine Kateryna Tsybenko said, “Dnipro has the potential to increase its score in the ranking. The city can be praised for its score in regulatory policy – draft regulatory acts are published in advance, discussed with the community (though protocols of these discussions are not always published), for the list of investment objects and information on utility networks connected to them. The investment passport is only in English
“We recommend to connect the city tot he BRDO platform, which helps people to start their business, since it will reduce bureaucratic procedures. We recommend to create the geoportal of the city, approve and finance a program for support of entrepreneurship. We also recommend to implement electronic auctions for sales of rights for placement of seasonal trade. All of this together, we believe, can make the city’s investment sector more transparent and will increase the number of businesses in the city.”
Oleksandr Sanzhara, representative of Dnipro City Council, said, “Ranking 27th in the index is a challenge for us, one we accept. We already have good results with regulatory policy and are planning to improve our score in other areas as well.”
Anatolii Kotov, project coordinator of “From Transparency in the Investment Sector to Overcoming Corruption Risks,” characterized the importance of the project as follows: “The project aims at increasing the investment sector transparency on the municipal level. We have analyzed websites of city councils based on 17 indicators which reflect the investment sector (presence of a geoportal, investment passport etc.). The project is supposed to result in improvement of the score in the investment sector transparency ranking of 100 biggest Ukrainian cities in at least 10 of those cities.”
TI Ukraine continues to work on transparency in the regions of Ukraine and to motivate representatives of the local self-government to strive for greater transparency. After all, openness and transparency are the principal prerequisites to reduce the level of corruption.