Prozorro and ProZorro.Sale won the prestigious International Global Public Service Team of the Year-2019. Ukrainian platforms were awarded in the Doing More for Less category.
For the second consecutive year, Apolitical has been awarding innovative public service projects. These are teams that have found unique innovative solutions and are working hard to improve people’s lives and save/earn money for the budget. ProZorro and ProZorro.Sale are on the list of suchlike successful online programs.
As noted on the award website, “ProZorro is a fully online public procurement platform and a collaboration environment that ensures open access to public procurement in Ukraine.” The award organizers claim that this platform is globally recognized as one of the most innovative public procurement systems.
Apolitical, in turn, mentioned that the launch of ProZorro was followed by the launch of ProZorro.Sale, a transparent e-auction system which is used to sell and lease assets from failed banks.
The web-site states that this system was developed by a small team on a budget of only US$100,000 but has generated more than US$500 million in revenue for Ukraine.
Transparency International Ukraine administered this electronic system and then transferred to state control in a number of steps and still supports it now as it is a state-owned enterprise.
For reference:
Transparency International Ukraine is an accredited chapter of the global movement Transparency International with a comprehensive approach to development and implementation of changes for reduction of the corruption levels.
TI Ukraine has administered and transferred to the government such electronic systems as ProZorro, ProZorro.Sale, eHealth, and E-Data. Our other ongoing projects include the City Transparency Ranking and building of the DOZORRO community for control over public procurement.
“Prozorro and ProZorro.Sale won the prestigious International Global Public Service Team of the Year-2019. Ukrainian platforms were awarded in the Doing More for Less category.”