On October 20, TI Ukraine, the NABU, and the Ministry of Digital Transformation have presented the educational series “From Statement to Sentence,” which tells about the specifics of the work of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.
This educational project will help you understand the work of anti-corruption bodies and learn how to protect your rights if you encounter corruption. Based on a specific story, the authors of the project tell how corruption should be investigated and punished, and what role the National Anti-Corruption Bureau plays in such investigations. With our hero, you will go through all the stages: from reporting corruption to sentencing by the court.
The series consists of 5 episodes, which everyone can watch for free on the National Digital Literacy Portal Diia.Digital Education — http://bitly.ws/hwDX.
Kateryna Ryzhenko, deputy executive director for legal affairs of Transparency International Ukraine: The series “From Statement to Sentence” is worth watching because the fight against corruption has been a great pain for the Ukrainian people for many years. It is in this series that you will find answers to the following questions: how to fight corruption, who is engaged in it, and what to do if you personally come across extortion of a bribe.”
A special feature of this educational project is that you learn on practical situations, and theoretical explanations and comments on them are provided by experts of TI Ukraine and the NABU. Each episode ends with testing to consolidate knowledge, and after completing the course, each viewer will receive a certificate that provides credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
“We at TI Ukraine have been monitoring the work of the NABU since its foundation, and all this time we have come across the same questions about the work of the Bureau, anti-corruption bodies and, in general, about the specifics of investigating corruption crimes, explains Victoriia Karpinska, head of the Communication Department of TI Ukraine the idea of creating this series. — And starting today, representatives of civil society, civil servants, students of law and other faculties, and in general, all interested citizens will be able to take this course and find answers to such questions and better understand this topic.”
Watch the presentation broadcast here.
The series is created by Transparency International Ukraine and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.