How much have you heard about effective management of national and municipal property? If not much, you will hear about it from us very soon!
We have had multiple success stories related to the privatization of national property recently. For example, the sale of the Dnipro Hotel brought the state more than UAH 1 billion, and anyone could take part in the transparent auction. The effectiveness of such a transparent procedure proves that privatization is the best thing to do with unprofitable state-owned enterprises.
Transparency International Ukraine, supported by the USAID project Economic Development, Management and Growth of Entrepreneurship (EDGE) and State-Owned Enterprises Rapid Response Activity (SOERR) starts working on a new focus area aimed at monitoring of national and municipal property privatization and lease.
What will we do within the project?
We will systematically monitor auctions for the sale and lease of property on Prozorro.Sale and closely monitor compliance with procedures in the system.
We promise to tell you about all our findings of best and worst practices, problems and opportunities that exist today in this area.
We also plan to support independent local NGOs and create a network for monitoring public sales, which will help us monitor the sale of property at the local level in Ukraine.
Why are we going to do this?
State assets are no less important part of the economy than, for example, public procurement. Having protected the necessary changes in the legislation for conducting procedures based on transparent rules, today we can follow all steps of asset sale.
Today, there is no systematic and independent control over the management of state property. Therefore, we start our activity with the analysis and public control over the procedures of small-scale privatization and lease.