Transparency International Ukraine has transferred the ProZvit reporting portal of enterprises to the State. This is the fourth digital product that the organization has shared with Ukrainians. TI Ukraine has administered and transferred to the government such electronic systems as ProZorro, ProZorro.Sale, and eHealth.
The ProZvit portal allows getting acquainted with the basic statistics of the number of state-owned enterprises and their financial results. SEs submit financial statements to the database of the Ministry of Economy, which TI Ukraine visualized through the analytical portal.
The organization developed the online analytics portal of SE ProZvit together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Economy and with the assistance of the international community, primarily the GIZ and the UNDP in Ukraine.
“In our opinion, openness and transparency of financial information should be one of the most important priorities in the activity of SEs. That is why I consider the transfer of the ProZvit portal to the state a landmark. This is like a signal that the government is ready to work transparently and responsibly with enterprises, in particular in matters of privatization and leasing,” stated Andrii Borovyk, executive director of TI Ukraine.
Moreover, because of the portal, every journalist or expert can check how unprofitable or profitable a particular enterprise is. This is an additional opportunity for public oversight over what is happening in our country.
As of September 2021, there are more than 3,500 enterprises in Ukraine, most of which are unprofitable. One of the ways to optimize their activity is through privatization. In this regard, the state began an active movement to sell illiquid assets several years ago. So, in just 9 months of 2021, 21 single property complexes of state-owned companies were sold for about UAH 509.5 mln