On July 8, Transparency International Ukraine transferred the second Central Database to the state-owned enterprise “Prozorro.Sale.”
The ProZorro.Sale system is already used for auctions on small privatization, lease and sale of property, licenses for use of mineral resources, commercial bidding, etc. But before, all the rights for the central database belonged to CSO Transparency International Ukraine as a partner in this project.
The celebratory brunch on the occasion of transfer of CDB-2 was attended by Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Andrii Borovyk, the newly appointed Head of Customs Maksym Nefiodov, Head of EUACI Eka Tkeshelashvili, GIZ consultant Svitlana Mizina and CEO of state-owned enterprise “Prozorro.Sale” Oleksii Sobolev.
“We observe that cooperation of civil society organizations, the business, the government and donors often produces a good result. This is how the ProZorro and e-Health systems were launched back in the day,” said Andrii Borovyk. “We will continue to work on opening various data and processes that mitigate corruption risks.”
“The memorandum of cooperation was signed just three years ago. And now the government becomes the actual owner of the central database,” added Oleksii Soboliev. “As we can see, in three years, our cooperation produced and implemented another transparent mechanism for sale of public property.”
After the rights have been transferred, SE “Prozorro.Sale” will become the full owner of the system.
The electronic trade system ProZorro.Sale was developed in 2017 for selling assets of insolvent banks at the initiative of the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF), the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Transparency International Ukraine. In February of 2019, the DGF already received the first Central Database.
Within 2.5 years, ProZorro.Sale made over UAH 17.5 billion for the government at electronic auctions, namely:
- sale of property of insolvent banks accounted for almost 82.5% of the sales
- 10.8% came in from auctions for lease or sale of property of communal and national enterprises, as well as commercial bidding.
With the Government receiving all rights to use the Central Database, selling and leasing will continue to be done transparently and efficiently through electronic auctions.
We observe that cooperation of civil society organizations, the business, the government and donors often produces a good result. This is how the ProZorro and e-Health systems were launched back in the day.
Andrii Borovyk, ED, Transparency International Ukraine