Those citizens who are aware of corruption activities in the tobacco industry can anonymously address the team of the Ukrainian chapter of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International. By doing so, each and every Ukrainian may help fight corruption with precise facts suitable for checking.
At the beginning of June 2017 Transparency International Ukraine has published a monitoring research on the potential conflict of interests in the tobacco industry. As it turned out, the representatives of the parliamentary Committee on Taxation, as well as some other people, are the lobbyists of tobacco manufactures’ interests. Nevertheless, a great deal of facts may be left undiscovered without a direct action from anonymous corruption denunciators.
Continuation of the covert tobacco lobbying is unacceptable. The Article 5.3 of the Framework convention of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tobacco Control requires protection of public health policies from commercial and other corporate nterests of the tobacco industry. Current legislation outright states that the healthcare policy is of a higher priority than the financial, tax and corporate interests of the people involved with the tobacco industry.
We kindly ask you not to keep mum on the corruption activities and conflicts of interests in the tobacco industry you are aware of. You can report an offence anonymously by sending a letter with a subject “Tobacco” to the electronic address: [email protected]. Particular facts of corruption or a conflict of interests should be provided, including surnames, locations and other relevant circumstances, as well as your contact information or, at least, your e-mail.
TI Ukraine speaks against “backstage” dealings that harm public interests, and encourages power and business to transparent cooperation.
Media contact: Olha Tymchenko, Communications Department Head in Transparency International Ukraine, mobile phone: 050-352-96-18, e-mail: [email protected]
Transparency International Ukraine is a chapter of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International with more than 100 countries around the world. Mission of TI Ukraine is to fight corruption in Ukraine promoting transparency, accountability and integrity of public authorities and civil society. Learn more at