We check the procurement of your city council. Yes, the very procurement that is paid for from our taxes. City councils buy a lot: maintenance and repair services, machinery, equipment, materials. Comfort and quality of our life depend on their quality. And thanks to Prozorro, everyone can check the procurement done by their city council, as well as customers who report to it.
To do this, we use the BI Prozorro Public Module, a tool created by the DOZORRO project team.
It’s simple:
1️⃣ Go to the Tenders/Lots list on BI Prozorro (https://bit.ly/tendery_loty)
2️⃣ Click Selections in the top right corner
3️⃣ Click the checkbox next to “All fields” and enter “Main body” in the search field
4️⃣ Click on the magnifying glass next to the “Main body” column that is displayed based on the search.
5️⃣ In the search box that appears, enter the name of your city council.
6️⃣ Select it and click the check mark.
7️⃣ Return via the “Selections” button back to the “Tenders / Lots” sheet
8️⃣ You can download the table with all purchases by right-clicking on the table, selecting “Table”, “Export”, “Export data.”
9️⃣ You can filter the sample by year and months and by type of procurement.
Done! Search, check, analyze as you wish.
⤴️ Share this instruction with activists and in local groups!
We also have a handbook for you: https://bit.ly/posibnyk_zakupivli
This publication was created by Transparency International Ukraine as part of its project implemented under the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Pact and its implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.