The team of the “Transparent cities” program present an updated methodology for rating the transparency of cities-2020.
The City transparency rating 2020 will traditionally assess 14 areas of activity of city councils. These are “Information about the work of local government”, “Access and participation”, “Procurement”, “Housing policy”, “Budget process”, “Financial and material assistance, grants”, “Social services”, “Personnel issues”, “Anti-Corruption policy and professional ethics”, “Land use and construction policy”, “Utilities”, “Municipal property”, “Education” and “Investment and economic development”. The indicators for which cities will be able to get the maximum 100 points will be 86.
What exactly has changed in the 2020 methodology?
- Indicators are updated in accordance with changes in legislation.
For example, according to the new version of the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement”, starting from April 19, 2020, managers of funds must publish reports on purchases in the amount of 1 kopiyka or more in the electronic system Prozorro.Sales. Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On leasing state and municipal property” are gradually coming into force, which require, in particular, the publication of lists of potential rental objects in the system Prozorro.Sales and on the websites of lessors. We have taken such changes into account in the relevant areas of assessment.
- Combined or excluded indicators that were duplicated.
We optimized the indicators that complemented each other.
- The weight of some indicators has been revised.
We have carefully reviewed the methodology to update the importance of every indicator. Most of the methodology indicators are rated at 1 point, but some recommendations require much more effort: for example, the adoption of a normative legal act, the development of own technological solution, time or financial resources. These indicators are classified as complex and are rated at 2 points.
- Added new indicators in collaboration with the NACP.
The result of cooperation with representatives of the National Agency on corruption prevention (NACP) was the development of new indicators designed to identify possible violations in the organization of work on the prevention and detection of corruption in local governments. The field “Professional ethics and conflict of interest” was renamed “Anti-corruption policy and professional ethics” due to its content addition.
- Recommendations of representatives of local self-government bodies, specialized public organizations, and active residents are taken into account.
This publication was prepared with the financial support of the project “Transparent cities Online platform for interaction between civil society and local governments for better accountability and good governance”, which is funded by the EU. Its content is the sole responsibility of Transparency International Ukraine and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.