March 15, 2024
This decision was adopted to invite more candidates, improve the efficiency and quality of the competition, and prevent its disruption.
March 1, 2024
The selection of candidates for 15 positions of judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court (first instance) and 10 positions of…
February 26, 2024
The High Anti-Corruption Court took ex-MP Serhii Pashynskyi into custody. He appears in the criminal case on the misappropriation of…
February 6, 2024
The arrest in absentia is applied to persons hiding from the investigation. Is this practice is effective? Let’s try to…
January 29, 2024
The Supreme Court tried to solve the problem of criminal legal assessment of the actions of MPs who had illegally…
January 25, 2024
HACC upheld the lawsuit of the SAPO against Viktor Tkachenko and decided to recover this amount into the state budget.
January 19, 2024
The panel of judges of the HACC, on the basis of an agreement, found former MP Dmytro Koliesnikov guilty of…
January 9, 2024
TI Ukraine experts analyzed the draft law No.10206, which concerned a considerable number of provisions of criminal procedural legislation.
January 3, 2024
In 2015, the ECHR ordered Ukraine to compensate UAH 54 mln to Golden Mandarin Oil. The NABU suspected that the…
December 21, 2023
TI Ukraine continues to monitor the work of the High Anti-Corruption Court. This report presents the results of the fourth…
December 18, 2023
The NABU and the SAPO exposed four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal receiving a bribe of USD 35,000.…
December 9, 2023
December 9 is Anti-Corruption Day. 2023 is passing, and despite the active war, this struggle also continues. This is clearly…
November 27, 2023
Recently, the High Anti-Corruption Court closed the first episode in the case on abuse of UAH 19 bln paid by…