Yatsenko’s platforms have finally ceased to exist. The State Property Fund of Ukraine and ProZorro.Sale have launched a free service for submitting information to the Unified Database of Appraisal Reports.
Notaries and appraisers used to submit their reports to the Unified Base solely through intermediaries — through four authorized platforms. These platforms simply “forwarded data” from the appraiser to the SPFU Unified Database and received for that from 500 to 1800 UAH per each appraisal. Many journalists associate these platforms with MP Anton Yatsenko. Also, according to mass media, Yatsenko-related companies earned 23 million UAH under this scheme.
Finally, these platforms were removed from the Unified Base. Instead, notaries and appraisers can now use the new free service. And this is definitely a #win
In July 2020, the service will work for citizens as well. Anyone will be able to independently download information about the appraisal of their property from the website.
“Notaries and appraisers used to submit their reports to the Unified Base solely through intermediaries - through four authorized platforms that took commission fee for simply transferring the data”