Current projects
Project title Donor/Coordinator Currency Amount of funding Project start Project end
Efficient Public Assets Management and Civic Oversight The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) SEK 13 500 000 01.04.21 31.12.24
Ukraine Modernisation Coalition: Coming together to build back better from Russia’s invasion BHP USD 678 000 01.07.22 30.06.25
Support to institutional development of Transparency International Ukraine CSO PACT/ENGAGE USD 445 455 01.10.17 30.06.25
Civic monitoring of public procurement during the wartime and the post-war period European Commission EUR 1 366 385 01.12.23 30.11.26
DTA (Digital Transformation Activity) Eurasia Foundation USD 4 485 775 01.01.24 30.09.28
Capacity Development of Transparency International Ukraine The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) SEK 22 007 463 01.01.24 31.12.26
Strengthening Ukraine’s anti-corruption institutions via civic monitoring of selection competitions EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) EUR 100 000 01.08.24 31.07.26
Recent projects
Project title Donor/Coordinator Currency Amount of funding Project start Project end
Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Eurasia Foundation (TAPAS) USD 840 239 01.10.16 31.07.21
Prozorro Project Implementation Support – Development of Multi-Criteria Auction The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) EUR 400 000 23.03.18 30.06.20
Transparent Cities: increasing transparency on local level United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) USD 29 994 18.09.19 18.06.20
Business analytics module for the portal of state-owned enterprises of Ukraine United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) USD 49 307 02.12.19 30.06.20
Support to the State Property Fund of Ukraine:
Sustainable Investments Office
British Embassy Kyiv, Ukrainian Business Association / Business 100, Khrystyna Krymska, Tomáš Fiala GBP 284 003 21.12.19 31.03.21
TransparentCities e-platform for cooperation of citizens and local governments for accountability and good governance European Commission EUR 660 000 01.01.20 31.03.23
Capacity Development of Transparency International Ukraine The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) SEK 4 899 083 01.03.21 31.03.23
DOZORRO for Healthcare Embassy of Czech Republic UAH 1 530 612 12.03.20 26.10.20
International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) Monitor Transparency International e.V. (Secretariat) EUR 5 000 01.04.20 31.12.20
Promoting anti-corruption and transparent procurement practices in amalgamated hromadas GIZ EUR 30 147 21.04.20 30.06.20
Tackling corruption in public procurement in Ukraine and V4 countries with new approaches Visegrad Fund EUR 20 135 01.06.20 30.09.21
Monitoring of High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine US Embassy in Ukraine USD 37 365 01.07.20 31.1.21
Improving Ukraine’s response to COVID-19
through civic oversight and advocacy
British Embassy Kyiv GBP 115 680 14.08.20 31.03.21
Enhancing civil society’s role in ensuring fair and transparent privatization and lease of state-owned assets USAID (USAID’s Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project) USD 134 902 13.11.2020 12.11.21
Support to the State Property Fund of Ukraine: Sustainable Investments Office British Embassy Kyiv GBP 550 210 01.04.21 31.03.22
Raising public awareness of mechanisms for combating corruption International Renaissance Foundation UAH 206 000 15.07.21 17.01.22
Analytics on contracting and implementing public procurement agreements for more efficient public governance and oversight OGP EUR 23 925,2 15.10.21 15.04.22
Promoting transparency, efficiency and accountability of the anti-corruption institutions in Ukraine EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) EUR 140 800 11.03.21 31.12.22
Open Contracting in Romania BST EUR 14 950 01.10.21 01.08.22
Support to SPFU Office of Sustainable Investment (SIO) USAID SOERA UAH 3 503 925 01.06.22 31.12.22
Re:silience. Re:covery. Re:construction. (Re:Ukraine project) European Commission EUR 99 363 11.08.22 25.06.23
Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-war Recovery and EU-Readiness European Commission EUR 279 595 16.09.22 15.09.23
Collaboration on Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Reforms and Corruption Risks related to Wartime Reconstruction Efforts Basel Institute on Governance CHF 21 700 01.06.22 30.09.23
TI Ukraine for Inclusive, Transparent and Accountable Reconstruction Management Systems International (SACCI) USD 290 155,54 14.09.22 13.12.23
Public monitoring for the reduction of corruption risks during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine Eurasia Foundation (TAPAS) USD 358 725 01.08.22 31.05.24
Institutional support for Transparency International Ukraine strategy implementation EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) EUR 100 000 01.09.22 30.06.24