On February 20, TI Ukraine representatives, Viktor Nestulia and Dmytro Palamarchuk presented analytical tools designed by the TI Ukraine’s team, in a number of meetings in Geneva, that took place within the framework discussion on the development of the WTO’s GPA. In particular, they focused on analytic modules bi.prozorro.org and bipro.prozorro.org, as well as the monitoring portal dozorro.org.
Currently many countries are considering digitalization of public procurement and transition to Open Contracting Data Standard. At present Ukraine is the leader in this field. All the participants of the discussion were impressed by the capacities of the instruments designed in Ukraine, since they make it possible to analyse massive amounts of data in a few seconds. Previously it used to take months for governmental agencies to do so.
Special attention was paid to cooperation with the public and protection of business interests – struggle for a system, that works and both monitors and identifies violations and inefficacies is a vexing issue for many countries. In this context, TI Ukraine shared its experience in designing the system of automatic hazard indicators, which has already been tested as a pilot scheme by users of the professional analytics module for a year. TI Ukraine brought into a focus a new concept of monitoring that engages the business sector and active citizens. That is where the dozorro.org portal proves useful, for it significantly improves the customer-participant-citizen-supervisory authority communication. It creates an opportunity to give a structured feedback on problems at each stage of the procurement and to identify challenging elements of the system.