Ternopil city council representatives approached Transparency International Ukraine with a request to present the transparency rating of 100 Ukrainian cities in their city. Our organization is happy to support local authorities’ aspiration for transparency and is organizing an off-schedule presentation of the rating in Ternopil. We will be happy to see local public officials, social activists and journalists as well as everyone interested in transparency.  

The event will take place on October 10 from 11AM to 1PM in Ternopil Press Club at Kachaly st. 3.

A team of TI Ukraine analysts in collaboration with the Institute of Political Education has developed the rating of cities based on 91 indicators in 13 areas, including budgeting, land management, human resources, procurement, online services etc.

In the transparency rating of the biggest Ukrainian cities, Ternopil did not demonstrate the best results. The city ranked 31st and got 33.5 points out of 100, ending up in red-marked cities. These are the cities where accountability and transparency problems have to be solved immediately.

In what areas did the city receive the biggest number of points? How transparent is Ternopil in comparison with other oblast centers? Why did it get zero points in three areas and how to fix it? These are the questions that will be answered at our event.

The rating will be presented by:

  • Kateryna Tsybenko, coordinator of TI Ukraine’s project Transparent Cities;
  • Ihor Protsyk, manager of the regional Eidos center office
  • A representative of the city council

The experts will put a special emphasis on ways to improve the situation in the areas where the city did worst and offer their recommendations.


To participate, please sign up at: http://bit.ly/2ybofos

The project Building Transparency in Ukrainian Cities is implemented with the support of UN Democracy Fund.