ATTENTION! Call for activists who have deep knowledge of public procurement and specialize in their monitoring. If you sincerely wish to contribute to making public procurement more efficient and transparent, TI Ukraine invites you to join the network of DOZORRO competence center coordinators in the regions.
Over 2016-2017, the team of TI Ukraine actively worked on improvement of the procurement process monitoring system. As the result, we have created the DOZORRO platform – a community of independent social activists who monitor public procurement in partnership with TI Ukraine. The team works on getting any procurement violation to be recorded and reviewed not only by DOZORRO independent experts, but also by supervisory and law enforcement agencies. Our goal is to ensure that all ProZorro stakeholders play by the rules.
The experience of regional experts and coordinators of ProZorro competence centers demonstrates that educational programs are important and fulfill their function, however, there is a need for events which would respond to more specific questions.
In 2018, we are introducing a pilot project on support of regional partners to build the effectiveness of their work with DOZORRO monitoring tools and methodologies.
Within the activity of DOZORRO competence centers, the following focus areas are suggested:
- Organization of educational events focusing on comprehensive work with procurement monitoring and use of DOZORRO tools and engagement of DOZORRO community in problem resolution (DOZORRO and work with feedback, functions of the business intelligence module, best practices index). Six or more educational events annually.
- Steady support of at least 3 regional partners for pilot cooperation. Both individual customers and groups of customers can be selected as partners (for instance, healthcare departments, municipalities etc.). Supervisory agencies can also become our partners if they express desire for constructive cooperation.
- Regular support of procurement carried out by the selected pilot customers with the aim of identification and avoidance of possible mistakes or violations in the course of procurement. The support includes consulting, assistance, informing on opportunities, urgent resolution of problems etc.
- Consulting on tools is provided within the limits of the trainer’s competence.
You are welcome to participate if you:
– have knowledge on public procurement and relevant legislation;
– have experience with delivering trainings and organizing educational events;
– have experience with project management and establishing partnerships;
– understand how the customers and participants of the public procurement process work, as well as the activity of state supervisory agencies;
– can successfully accomplish tasks, meet priorities and goals withint he project;
– are interested in making the public procurement process more competitive and open.
The program is implemented by civic organization Transparency International as part of USAID, UKaid and Eurasia Fund project Transparency and Accountability in State Governance and Services.
Project duration is 8 months (until September 30, 2018), can be extended for a year
Services delivered as part of project implementation are paid monthly based on competitive selection.
Attention! To apply, fill out the google form here:
Application deadline – January 20, 2018.