NGOs are engaged with ministries and other central executive bodies to fight corruption. Last week the order on the launch of a joint initiative between the government and the civil society “Together Against Corruption” was signed. The initiative involves the implementation of 83 measures designed by experts from Kyiv based Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR) Transparency International Ukraine and IDLO (International Development Law Organization).
The initiative began in the summer of 2016. Civil experts analyzed the facts and risks of corruption in Ukrainian ministries and produced a list of specific measures that would help the minimization of these risks. These measures were later approved with the Cabinet Office, and now experts and representatives from different ministries are creating plans for their implementations.
“In this fight against corruption it is important not to respond solely to events that have occurred, but also to pay attention to prevent future demands for bribes. Additionally there are many within government who are interested in the fight against corruption. We are the public, and therefore initiated this project to help these people and to share with them our experience, ” said the coordinator for the initiative ‘Together Against Corruption’, Oksana Velychko.
Within this initiative every ministry, the State Audit Service, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention and the State Property Fund will hold on average, five measures aimed at reducing the risks of corruption. For example, the Ministry of Education and Science will, inter alia, simplify the licensing procedures of educational institutions of higher education, transforming it into an electronic format. The Ministry of Interior will prevent certain manifestations including the abuse of power and positions during examinations for driving licenses. The entire list of measures can be found on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. “We do not take these measures solely for their appearance appeal. We embark on them to accomplish things. I should warn those who think that creating normal conditions for public bodies is not normal, then I have nothing to say to them,” said the Prime Minister, Volodymyr Hroisman at a government meeting during the presentation of the initiative.
Public authorities have to illustrate the first results from the implementation of these measures before the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9. On that day, the public will note which institutions have the greatest progress, and which still require further work. “The reporting of progress in the anti-corruption fight on December 9 is a good step that will encourage authorities to actively work in this direction because they know that this is day X when the public will ask for results,” said Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, the Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine. Further reports will be provided every three months.