Natalia Sichevlyuk

legal advisor

Author`s posts:
March 28, 2024
Property of Kremlin’s Accomplices under HACC’s Scrutinizing Eye
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September 12, 2023
Another veto needed: how the adopted draft law No. 9587-d can ruin the e-declaration system
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August 2, 2023
First External Audit of NACP Is Done! Assessment of the Agency’s Work
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July 11, 2023
Guilty! What was confiscated from aggressor in 500 days of war and how
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May 10, 2023
Allowed does not equal forbidden: why it is time to restore mandatory electronic declaration
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November 25, 2022
Management of Confiscated Russian Assets: Why No Good News?
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November 3, 2022
Confiscation of Assets of Russia and Oligarchs: Plans of Ukraine’s Partners
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