The pandemic has affected the way we celebrate Easter: there have been less mass celebrations. However, budgetary institutions are still spending money on preparations for this day. We have researched what they buy.
This year, Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on May 2. This is the second year in a row that the holiday takes place in a pandemic. The Ministry of Healthcare did not impose additional restrictions during the Easter holidays but, at the same time, recommended complying with all the rules that are now prescribed in the quarantine directive. First and foremost, we are talking about the distance, the mask requirement and the consecration of baskets in the streets. We have analyzed how budgetary institutions have been preparing for the celebration, they have spent more than UAH 3.4 mln on it in 2021. Procurement items include mainly Easter cakes, food kits, Easter decorations, and the organization of fairs.
Easter cakes and Easter baskets, accounted for the lion’s share of expenditures, namely, for over UAH 2.3 mln. The price for the main attribute of the holiday depended primarily on weight. For example, a cake weighing 0.3 kg could be purchased for UAH 29.1, but 0.5 kg was worth UAH 35–45. Panettone cake, which is now popular, was also bought for UAH 85. Procuring entities also used the Prozorro Market, for example, a kilogram of the Volodymyrskyi Cake from Kyivkhlib cost UAH 210.
In addition, Easter cakes were an essential part of food kits, however, what else to put there, everybody decided on their own. For instance, in the Lviv region, ME “Social Guarantees” added cookies to the sets, and together with the Easter cake it cost UAH 107. Office of Children’s Services of the Chernivtsi Regional State Administration also made waffles, halva, marshmallows, biscuits, croissants, Easter eggs, etc.; such sets cost the institution UAH 70.
However, not by food alone — in some places local authorities have decided to decorate the streets. In total, more than UAH 640,000 was spent. Residents of Lutsk can enjoy decorative sculptures in the city center, namely, of trees, Easter birds, and flowers. They cost almost UAH 50,000. Moreover, money was spent on similar holiday decorations in Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, and Sokilnyky.
At least in two cities mass events have been purchased. In Kherson, it was planned to spend UAH 119,000 on the pre-holiday fair, but then this amount was reduced to 79,500 because of COVID-19. Meanwhile, Cherkasy decided to hold a festival: with a concert program, workshops, photo zones and Wet Monday. The city will pay exactly UAH 50,000
Instead, some cities have decided to turn Easter activities online. Khmelnytskyi will spend UAH 20,000 on making a video for the “Easter decorations” workshop. Zhytomyr is ready to pay UAH 18,000 for such videos.
We urge you to be careful during the holidays and follow doctors’ recommendations: wear a mask in public places, keep your distance, wash your hands thoroughly and monitor your health. In this way, these days will really be festive.
Easter cakes and Easter baskets, accounted for the lion's share of expenditures, namely, for over UAH 2.3 mln.