Corrupt officials cannot but talk about electronic declaration. Why would it be granted so much attention? However, we at Transparency International Ukraine are not the only ones talking about the need to restore this rather simple, but very effective procedure.
In a recent interview, an MP said that electronic declarations would not be a “panacea.” Yes, these are not the pills that will cure all corruption in the state.
Declarations of officials are not a cure for all diseases. But they form immunity so that the tumor of corruption does not spread further. Declarations of officials deter and prevent corruption; this is no less, but even more important than guilty verdicts.
It is worth considering the current state of things. The petition for the restoration of the declaration received the necessary votes. The president reacted to it.
A memorandum with the IMF was signed with a commitment to resume declarations by the end of July. International partners are increasingly emphasizing this need.
There was an oral assessment of the EU regarding the implementation of 7 recommendations to move towards the opening of membership negotiations. By the way, the “anti-corruption” recommendation to conduct effective investigations of high-profile corruption was not considered as fulfilled because it was not fully implemented. Indeed, how can there be a full-fledged investigation of corruption at a high level, when declarations are submitted by only several ministers and dozens, and not even hundreds, of MPs.
After all, the chair of the Servant of the People faction and the author of the existing draft law on the resumption of e-declaration, David Arakhamia, promised back in May that the relevant changes would be adopted by the Rada in the first reading by the end of June, and in general, it would be adopted by the end of September.
But June has passed, and nothing has changed.
The question arises: how much longer to wait for the resumption of declaration?
The previous experience of the lengthy implementation of anti-corruption reforms is not so positive as to hope for the activity of parliamentarians in this matter.
The competition for the SAPO head lasted more than a year and a half. For more than 2 years, we fought for the creation of the HACC. Political parties have not submitted their financial reports for more than 3 years, and it is unknown when the parliament will resume reporting and verifications. The ARMA has been without a permanent leader for more than 3.5 years, although even today, this issue can hardly be considered as resolved.
The country has lived for five and a half years without a new anti-corruption strategy. The NABU has not been allowed autonomous wiretapping for more than 6.5 years; Ukraine promised the IMF to fulfill such a commitment before December 2016. Although the relevant legislation was adopted in autumn 2019, it still does not function.
This list is never-ending. Isn’t it time to finally fix what has been broken?
The first calls for the resumption of mandatory filing of declarations, their publication in the register, and the resumption of verification were made a year ago, last summer. In the second year of the delay, the question arises: will Ukraine be able to get out of the vicious circle of lack of political will? We know it could last 3, 5, and even 7 years.
The answer should be given by MPs — draft law 8071 is awaiting its adoption in the second reading. We have not yet seen the alternative draft law that David Arakhamia mentioned. Time is running out.
Declarations of officials are not a cure for all diseases. But they form immunity so that the tumor of corruption does not spread further. Declarations of officials deter and prevent corruption; this is no less, but even more important than guilty verdicts.
Oleksandr Kalitenko